
Stencils-Set 8 October 2007

Hope you were able to do some early shopping at Krafty Delites! The show was crowded with lots of new vendors and merchandise. Tiki brought some new designs to the show and was able to bring three out of her 8 new released designs. She will bring all sixteen of them to the Rubber Stamp Convention, November 9th and 10th. Get there early, they tend to sell fast. The prices of stencils have gone up $1.00 apiece. Unfortunately, manufacturing and shipping cost have driven prices up.

Here are the new stencils. People have asked Tiki to make her characters "super sized" for scrapbooking, but I think they would look adorable on a card or by tracing them onto shrink plastic for some cute dangling charms. Gift tags, bag toppers and accordion books would be cute too! Oh my, all the things you could create!

She has some new T-shirt designs also. Rainbow Shaved Ice, Pig Out, Pineapple Kids, and her Christmas shirt. All of course adorable.
Taj of Honolulu will be at Asian Flair, but Tiki nor I will be attending.
Sunday, November 4th, 2007 (10am - 3pm)
Cypress Community Center
5700 Orange Avenue

This is the original site for Asian Flair. I am getting this info second hand, so please confirm before heading out there! There won't be any new stencils at this fair. Tiki took her new ones home.

Click here to see her stencils at Picasa.
Set 8 Stencils October-2007


New Christmas T-shirt!

Taj of Honolulu will be at Krafty Delites Sunday, October 21st.

Carson Community Center

801 E. Carson Street

The Christmas shirt comes in white, lime green and red. So cute.


Need a Sample Image Embossed?

If you would like a particular image to be embossed or a sample made with a certain image, please comment or email me and I will try to post one ASAP. I can search my archives of fuzzy pictures or try to emboss or stamp one for you. Just be sure to include the number of the stencil. Each stencil is etched with a number and letter. dtakakuwa at gmail dot com


New Samples from Hawaii

I know I said I would get better at taking photos of Tiki's sample cards.... I will eventually, but for now bear with me and you get the gist of the idea for the cards. Gives you some inspiration for Halloween albeit a little fuzzy. They are so cute and obviously cuter in person. Krafty Delites is on October 21st and I am not sure if she will be bringing this particular sample board. I brought her new T-shirts back down from San Jose and will take pictures of them and post next week. Until then, check out the fuzzy pictures and comment or email me any questions you have. I have some other sample cards that I will post next week also. Yes, they are just as fuzzy.

San Jose 2007

Tiki-owner and artist of Taj, her daughter Taryn, Tiki's friends from San Jose, Vicky and Gary.

Tiki, Taryn, my traveling buddy, Vicki and me.

Jayne, Karen, Elaine and Rosie. Jayne and Rosie are from Judi-Kins - Elaine is the owner of Carmen's Veranda and her friend Karen.

Contact Elaine for information about Carmen's Veranda at the above link.

Me, Vicki and Gayle from Judi-Kins at dinner at Tao Tao in Sunnyvale after the show.

We had time to visit the wharf in San Francisco. Boudin's for the bread and Alioto's for dinner.