
RSC July 2013 Sample Cards

Samples from the July 13-14th, 2013 Rubber Stamp Convention

An adorable make-n-take, 10 new stencils, 2 new tshirt designs, cute button-like accents pieces, adult tank tops, Perfect Ruler and Perfect Layers! Lots of new things at this show. Sorry, sold out of the Perfect Layer rulers but still have a few Perfect Rulers! Come by tomorrow for another make-n-take! So cute.


Rubber Stamp Convention July 13-14, 2013

These stencils will be available at the RSC this coming weekend!
Carson Community Center
July 13-14
Sat. 9-4:30
Sun. 10-3

$6.00 per day
$8.00 2-day pass


RSC Samples March 11, 2013

Thanks for coming out to see Tiki's new things! I took pictures of all her card samples and I know there are a lot of repeats, but I didn't want to miss any of them.



Hi sorry about this but I am going to disable all comments because of constant, irritating and annoying spammers on this blog. I don't get a lot of readers and hardly any comments, but I have been receiving spam up to 5 times a day. They send me an email to see if I want to post it or not. I am tired of dealing with it so if you need to contact me please email me. Most of you have my email address so please contact me there or if you can wait, see me at one of the shows.
Happy New Year!