
Rolling (Penny) Card

You will need cardstock, Pop Dots, penny, foam tape, craft knife and a straight edge. I use the Pop Dots made by Plaid that are 1/2" by 1/8" thick. Don't try cutting out a dot by hand because the edges of the dot has to be smooth to roll correctly.

Figure out where you would like your image to roll. Position the slot so the image will roll within the boundaries of your card. Now draw a "slot" the width of your Pop Dot (1/2") and round the ends so it looks finished. Carefully cut the slot with an Exacto as smoothly as you can. I use a metal straight edge as a guide and stop short of the ends and then freehand cut the rounded part.

Cut another piece of cardstock the width just below the cut edge of the slot to the bottom of your card. This piece will not show so it can be any scrap paper. This will be a support piece for the "rolling penny." I find that using this support backing helps the penny roll more consistently. You can also attach the support piece to the front of your card if you want, let's say a blue horizon and a green foundation. Cut blue cardstock for your slot and add a green support piece to the front.

You can't tell by the picture but the support backing is just below the slot. Glue the support backing onto the back of the slotted piece.

Attach foam tape to the back of the slotted piece. Note the placement of the tape. Don't get too close to the slot! This will stop the penny from rolling. You want to be generous with the tape too because the slotted front of the card will collapse if you don't and will not leave room for the penny to roll. Adhere the Pop Dot to the middle of your penny and lay the penny down in the slot as shown. I find that putting the Pop Dot right in the center is the best. Trying to give you lots of hints from the mistakes I made which were plenty!

Cut out an image and adhere to the penny. Check to see if it rolls correctly. Sometimes I have to use scissors to open up the slot. Decorate the rest of your card making sure that any raised images aren't in the way of your rolling image or else it will get caught and stop! Using images that have their hands up is so cute. Looks like they are doing cartwheels. I have used Tiki's penguins, monkeys and her girls. I haven't finished this card yet, but will post it soon.

All finished! Fast and easy. Tilt the card from side to side and Jelli does cartwheels.

If the above confuses you completely, email me and I will try to answer your questions. dtakakuwa at gmail dot com

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